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Re: [Koha-devel] a couple of new projects

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] a couple of new projects
Date: Wed Aug 28 06:07:03 2002
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Pat Eyler wrote:
About full MARC support : i'm "ready to play with the ball", but what is
the exact question ? what will be the MARC support ? what do we need to
reach the MARC version, what could it costs ? let me know, and i'll will
answer promptly.

I think the big questions are 'What do we need to do to reach the MARC
version?',  "What is the (general) plan for getting there?"  "What would
it cost?" is a question best left for the RFP responses.  I'm sure that
specifics about "How to get there" will be covered differently in
different repsonses as well.
I think the answer to "what is the plan for getting there" is at :
since a few weeks ;-)
Note i think i'll add some ideas in the next days.
Second to these (and this goes for all three of the projects) is 'How do
we integrate work for hire with the rest of Koha development?'.  E.g., my
hope would be that you and Steve would be the ones to bid on and win a
contract with Nelsonville to do work on the MARC project, but it's
possible that "Uncle Bob's Perl Farm" (UBPF) will come up with a
compelling bid.  You (Paul) will still be managing the 1.4 release series,
so we're going to need a way to ensure that UBPF's work meshes with your
vision and that 1.4 isn't thrown off track.
what do you call UBPF ? is it a well known organization or "SomeOne Coming
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