I don't many recommendations right now, but perhaps we should start a list
on the wiki. If we do, it would be good to structure it like (with a
coupld of examples -- which might be mis-filed):
Koha Projects
for Perl/Shell coders:
(basic jobs, able to be finished in 1-3 days of work)
write unit tests for Koha modules
write acceptance tests for Koha
(more advanced jobs requiring 1-2 weeks of work)
write a new kind of search
port koha (esp installer/upgrader) to other unixish platform
(big jobs requiring a month or more, and probably much coordination
with other developers on the team)
write/work on NCIP
write/work on Z39.50 server
port Koha to win32
for HTML/CSS/Javascript coders
(sorry, I haven't a clue what should go here)
(basic jobs, able to be finished in 1-3 days of work)
(more advanced jobs requiring 1-2 weeks of work)
(big jobs requiring a month or more, and probably much coordination
with other developers on the team)
for non-coders
(basic jobs, able to be finished in 1-3 days of work)
figure out and document something in Koha
proofread part of the manual
(more advanced jobs requiring 1-2 weeks of work)
write a new section for the manual
write an article about Koha for publication
(big jobs requiring a month or more, and probably much coordination
with other developers on the team)
write a new manual/book for/about Koha (supplement the existing
On Sun, 1 Sep 2002, Owen Leonard wrote:
Is there still a need for HTML Code upgrade to CSS and HTML 4
I'm also interested in contributing!
-- Owen Leonard