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[Koha-devel] Koha questionnaire from koha list

From: Pat Eyler
Subject: [Koha-devel] Koha questionnaire from koha list
Date: Thu Oct 17 15:55:10 2002

To go along with the user level survey, they'd like us to fill out a quick
'vendor' level survey.  Here's my first shot at it.  Is anything wrong
with this?  If I don't here any protests it'll head off to the surveyor


Koho product status:
Number of installed sites: __???______

 These are hard numbers to qnatify, because no one has to buy our
 software.  Some figures with bearing on the number:
   # of subscribers to our mailing lists --  271 (users)
                                              41 (french)
                                              68 (developers)
   # of downloads of our software  -- 1462 (stable)
                                        99 (development)
                                        84 (CD image)

Number of installed sites in public libraries: _???_____

Version number: __1.2.3______
Operating systems:  NT   (Unix)   Other_ (Linux)________

Please indicate current status: General release (G), now in Beta (B), or
planned (P)
_G_ Acquisitions                        ___ Authority control
_G_ Cataloging                          _G_ Circulation
___ Cross-database searching            _B_ E-mail notification
_G_ Holds management                    ___ I & R files
_P_ Interface to OCLC                   ___ Interfaces to book vendors
___ Interfaces to serials distributors  _G_ Inventory
___ Kids PAC                            ___ Local history file management
___ Media booking                       _G_ OPAC with Web interface
_G_ OPAC without Web interface          _G_ Patron authentication
G/P Pre-packaged reports                G/P Report creation
_G_ Reserve desk                        ___ Routing list management
___ Serials                             ___ Telephone notification system
___ Interfaces to Internet resources and Internet-based commercial databases

 It is also difficult to described 'planned features', in that if a
 library is interested in a feature which is not currently implemented,
 they are free to write it themselves (or hire someone to write it for
 them).  Several good examples of this value already exist, and other
 projects are underway which will further exemplify it.

To assist with contacting our installed sites to get user ratings, Koho is:
(select one)
_X__    posting the survey to the Koha user group
____    sending contact information for reaching the chairperson of
        Koha's user-group to Cibbarelli's this week
____    sending a set of mailing labels to Cibbarelli's

Contact information for Cibbarelli's:
    Your name:  Pat Eyler
    Title:      Kaitiaiki
    phone:      XXX      fax: XXX        e-mail: address@hidden

Contact information to be printed in CIL magazine:
    Company name: N/A
    Address: N/A
    City, State, Zip:  N/A
    Phone:  N/A                         Fax: N/A
    Web address:  www.koha.org          E-mail address: address@hidden

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