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Re: [Koha-devel] acquisitions in 1.3.2

From: Ambrose Li [CCCGT]
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] acquisitions in 1.3.2
Date: Wed Nov 27 15:46:01 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 05:25:18PM -0500, Ambrose Li [CCCGT] wrote:
> Somehow, the list of commonly-used system parameters (which was
> in the last RC) seem to have disappeared from the system
> parameters setting page. I now have to figure out how to
> reenable simple acquisitions...

This, I found out, is caused by the installer failing somewhere
(and I didn't notice it). After a complete reinstall, it is ok now.

However, I noticed a new error message "Column 'kohafield' cannot
be null". I don't know where this is coming from.

You can import MARC parameters for :
1- English MARC21 or for
2- French UNIMARC.
3- none.
Please choose which parameter you want to install. Note if you choose 3,
nothing will be added, and it can be a BIG job to manually create those tables
ERROR 1048 at line 20: Column 'kohafield' cannot be null
Modifying Z39.50 daemon launch script...
Modifying Z39.50 daemon wrapper script...

Ambrose Li

``A good style should show no sign of effort;
  what is written should seem a happy accident.'' ~ Somerset Maugham

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