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Re: [Koha-devel] full text search

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] full text search
Date: Tue Dec 10 02:06:02 2002
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Anthony W. Youngman a écrit:
RE: [Koha-devel] full text search

Have you read the MySQL licence ...

I don't know whether you're that bothered (Koha being gpl and all that), but the MySQL licence specifically splits systems built on top of it into ones that *can* *use* MySQL as one back end among many, and others that *need* *MySQL*.

As I say, since Koha is gpl maybe you don't care, but maybe others might ...

And if you're going to do this, for $DEITY's sake make it an *optional* module, so that should people not want MySQL, they can just leave this module out and then they're still independent ...

In fact, i think that the "need" mySQL refers to licence constraint : if your licence disable the opportunity for the user to use something else, then mySQL must be buyed.
For us, as it's gpl, the "must" is a technical constraint, which is not covered by the mySQL constraint. MANY softwares works only on mySQL (1 "replace", which is mySQL-only, and your software is mysql dependant. And almost everybody uses replace when developping on mySQL)
Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIBGB libre http://fr.koha.org)

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