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[Koha-devel] common default theme icons

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] common default theme icons
Date: Tue Mar 4 08:26:21 2003
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr-FR; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826


I just uploaded some very nice icons that should be used to improve the look of koha. Those icons should be self explanatory :
1downarrow.png => dig, or "more detailled information"
1leftarrow.png => previous page
1rightarrow.png => next page
1uparrow.png  => "less detailled information"
2downarrow.png => "lowest information"
2leftarrow.png => 1st page
2rightarrow.png => last page
2uparrow.png => top information
edittrash.png => delete
filefind.png => find
fileimport.png => import
filenew.png  => add
fileopen.png => edit
fileprint.png => print
gohome.png  => home
Those icons are located in the /default/images/ directory, as they are the same for every language.
for techies : i've picked icons from a kde icon set. and didn't change any name. So we will be able to change the look of icons by replacing them with another icon set.

sample :
! 		<td><a href=""action">?op=add_form&bookfundid=<TMPL_VAR name="bookfundid"> ">Edit</a></td>
is replaced by :
! 		<td><a href=""bookfundid"> "><img src=""theme">/images/filefind.png" width=32 hspace=0 vspace=0 border=0 title="budget"></a></td>
Most parameters pages have been changed (in english language). don't hesitate to change others.
Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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