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Re: [Koha-devel] Any news

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Any news
Date: Mon Mar 10 11:18:08 2003
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Stephen Hedges wrote:

It's been a while since there's been any news of developments in the Koha code. Does anybody know if there's been anything done lately to move Koha away from 1.9.0 and closer to 2.0?
Yes, i can give some news. I planed to do it anyway, on this list next day, so i just do it sooner !

As everybody has seen, 1.9.1 is late :-) it's because i met minor problems and lack of time !
Today, i worked on the circulation part of koha (templatification...)
The integration of MARC and non MARC GUI is almost done : on every biblio page, there are 2 links : "normal" when in MARC view and "MARC" when in normal view. a new MARC system parameter decided which is chosen by default. The MARC search is now fully indexed. You can search anything on any tag, it should be fast. very fast :-)
I also modified the MARC part to manage correctly <10 tags.
I also added recently nice pictures to most templates to represent "add", "modify", "delete"... pragmas.

I plan to release the 1.9.1 next week (i'm away from wednesday to friday).

Then, checking opac part of koha, and we will be almost 2.0RC1 :-)))

What makes me happy is that the MARC management is really working nice now, so the biggest part now is mostly a GUI part.

Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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