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[Koha-devel] bug reports

From: Pat Eyler
Subject: [Koha-devel] bug reports
Date: Wed Mar 12 08:39:07 2003

there are currently 50 bug/enhancement reports against
1.3.2/cvs/unspecified (see
for details)
and there are 17 against various 1.2 releases (see
for details).

I'd like to try to clean up our bug database as we get ready for the 2.0
release.  Here's how I think we can do this:
  Would someone at katipo please create 1.9.1 and 2.0.0 versions in the
bugs DB?
  I'd like people to try to 'adopt a bug' --
    the bugs listed against 1.2.X, 1.3.2, or 'unspecified' versions should
be checked to see if they exist in the current cvs version.  If they do,
please change the version to 'cvs'.
    the bugs listed against the 'cvs' version should be checked to see if
they still exist.  If they do, please do a quick check of the information
in the bug and edit any anomolies you find.  (You'll need a login at
    in all cases, please make a note in the 'additional comments field'
that you've verified the bug.

as we get a better feel for the bugs that we've got, we can start to write
tests for them and make a plan for getting rid of them.


Pat Eyler
Kaitiaki/manager               migrant Linux sys admin
the Koha project               ruby, shell, and perl geek
http://www.koha.org            http://pate.eylerfamily.org

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