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[Koha-devel] Koha and the Trophees du libre

From: Pat Eyler
Subject: [Koha-devel] Koha and the Trophees du libre
Date: Mon May 5 10:44:13 2003

As a bit of added excitement, it appears that Koha has made the list
of finalists for the Trophees du Libre, a free software prize being
awarded in Soissons, France on May 23rd 2003.  There are 113 projects
who are being considered for awards in 6 classifications.  Koha is in
the 'Applications for Public Agencies' category, where there are 20
finalists.  Paul Poulain will be representing Koha at the awards

I think congratulations are in order for everybody who's contributed
code, documentation, testing, or any other activities that have helped
to make Koha what it is.  Great job everyone!


Pat Eyler
Kaitiaki/manager               migrant Linux sys admin
the Koha project               ruby, shell, and perl geek
http://www.koha.org            http://pate.eylerfamily.org

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