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Re: [Koha-devel] Bibliothesaurus table

From: Jerome Vizcaino
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Bibliothesaurus table
Date: Mon May 12 04:35:13 2003
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20030502 Debian/1.2.1-9woody3

Hello Paul

Nope we didn't upgrade an old Koha version. We installed Koha 1.9.2 on a clean Debian Woody install. However we didn't install the sample information in the database. Maybe this is the problem. By the way the installation of Koha was a real problem and we had to install all the required Perl modules by hand due to a problem with the CPAN module. Building a debian package for Koha would be a good idea. If anyone knows how to do this...


paul POULAIN wrote:

Jerome Vizcaino wrote:


Inspecting the acquisition process we found that the editors popup didn't worked. The problem comes from the unimarc_210c.pl and thesaurus_popup.pl. The SQL instructions are looking for a 'father' field in the bibliothesaurus table. Unfortunately, this field doesn't exist. Can someone tell me what was this field used for and what is its new name ? (the hierarchy field maybe ?)

The bibliothesaurus table should be :
CREATE TABLE bibliothesaurus (
 id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 freelib char(80) NOT NULL default '',
 stdlib char(80) NOT NULL default '',
 category char(10) NOT NULL default '',
 father char(80) default NULL,
 level tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
 hierarchy char(80) NOT NULL default '',
 KEY freelib (freelib),
 KEY hierarchy (hierarchy),
 KEY father (father),
 KEY stdlib (stdlib),
 KEY category (category),
 FULLTEXT KEY category_2 (category,freelib)

Why is the father row missing in your install is a good question ? Did you upgrade from a 1.9.1 DB (we spoke of such an upgrade with Serge IIRC)?
In updater/updatedatabase, line 109, the father table is here.

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