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[Koha-devel] Koha development efforts

From: Pat Eyler
Subject: [Koha-devel] Koha development efforts
Date: Fri May 16 14:08:16 2003

Several people have contacted me recently about working on Koha.  With
our current push to 2.0.0, I'd like to take a moment to get everybody
working in the same direction.

First, if you haven't done it yet, please sign up as a developer.
This entails several things:
  * get an account at sourceforge and let me know what it is so that
  you can have CVS access
  * set up an account at bugs.koha.org so that you can submit, claim,
  and resolve bugs in our bugzilla system
  * sign up for at least the koha-devel list (you may also want to
  sign up for the bugzilla list, the cvs list, and/or the Koha list --
  if you are multilingual, please sign up for the koha-translate

Next, please don't work on new functionality for the main Koha system
at this point.  Until we get 2.0.0 out the door, only Paul will be
adding features to Koha (and not many).  All of our work should be on
bugs.  If you want to fix something and don't see a bug report for it,
please create one.

If you are adding features for you local site, don't worry.  Hold on
to your changes.  Once we've released 2.0.0, we can start folding in
new features.

The sooner we get the bug list cleared out, the sooner we can release
2.0.0.  If you have a bit of spare time, please adopt a bug and put us
out of its misery.

Getting 2.0.0 done is going to be a big milestone for us.  There are a lot
of libraries looking pretty hard at Koha right now.  2.0.0 is going to be
a big step in convincing them that Koha is ready.


Pat Eyler
Kaitiaki/manager               migrant Linux sys admin
the Koha project               ruby, shell, and perl geek
http://www.koha.org            http://pate.eylerfamily.org

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