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[Koha-devel] 3rd pre 2.0 meeting

From: Pat Eyler
Subject: [Koha-devel] 3rd pre 2.0 meeting
Date: Wed Jun 18 14:39:21 2003

Well, we had another pre 2.0 bug meeting.  Many people showed up and most
lurked, but several participated.  Some interesting threads came up:

  NPL is closing in on their migration from Spydus to Koha.
  Concurrently, there seems to be some interest in Koha building in
  Australia (currently about 80% of Spydus new business is in
  Australia).  It looks as though interesting things may start
  happening there once 2.0.0 comes out.

  Interest in a Z39.50 server cropped up again.  It won't happen in
  2.0.0, but 2.0.1 is a very real possibility.  I (Pat Eyler) will be
  talking to the developers of Zebra (a free z39.50 server engine) to
  see about integrating their work into Koha.

  NPL talked a bit about their work with the bulkimporter.  Paul
  agreed to take on a bug that NPL found.

  The Spanish language translators from Argentina asked about how to
  work on translations for 2.0.0.

You can look at www.koha.org/irc/ for a full log.  If you are
interested in getting involved, please feel free to get involved in
the next irc meeting -- next Wednesday, same time, same place.


Pat Eyler
Kaitiaki/manager               migrant Linux sys admin
the Koha project               ruby, shell, and perl geek
http://www.koha.org            http://pate.eylerfamily.org

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