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Re: [Koha-devel] RE: [Koha] from ISIS to Koha

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] RE: [Koha] from ISIS to Koha
Date: Mon Nov 3 05:15:05 2003
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Lucia Phillip wrote:

I know a number of libraries that would like to use Koha. Many of them are at present working with WINISIS. With the version 1.92 i was able to take MARC records exported as an ISO 2709 and import them into the breeding farm. i was then able to search for records and then import them into KOHA. To do this I reversed the changes that had been made to fit Winisis such as the subfield delimiters, the end of field and the end of record symbols. With this latest version however although I am able to import records into the breeding farm, when I go to Add biblio and do a search of a record that I know was among those imported, I get the message that <Nothing found>. I am wondering why this is happening with this version.
Do not use breeding farm to migrate from a previous ILS.
Use the bulkmarcimport script, in misc directory.
bulkmarcimport is batter, as it puts iso2709 file directly in ACTIVE db, where breeding farm is used to put "not yet used, but could be useful" biblios somewhere and find them when cataloguing.


Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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