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[Koha-devel] Re: [Koha] koha setup: problems, information request for th

From: KSS Vijaya Bhaskar
Subject: [Koha-devel] Re: [Koha] koha setup: problems, information request for the same
Date: Thu May 27 13:45:03 2004
User-agent: Opera M2/7.50 (Win32, build 3778)

Dear Koha Dev [Rachel],

Thank you very much your response for my queries.

But, we are still facing the problems in making Koha
setup up and running.

We are here with giving you a snapshot of the setup of
what we have and try to address our major concern.

Our Concern:Koha system is not allowing us to issue a
book with out entering the bar code.  We are struck at
the screen in the below URL [keeping at a URL, because
attachments clog your mail boxes]


We want to know which parameter should be turned off
inorder to avoid entering bar code.

The system parameters in our setup are as shown in the
following URL

We will be really thankful to have your inputs and any
further setup we have to do.

Thanks in advance,


 --- address@hidden wrote: > ----- Forwarded
by Vijay Kankipati/HYD/TCS on
05/26/04 08:07 PM -----
 "Rachel Hamilton-Williams" <address@hidden>
wrote on 05/11/200402:41:58 AM:
 > Dear Vijay
>> > 1. Is there a screen through which, we can
'Issue a book?'. We triedand> > found a screen like that. But, has not been
able to figure out, how> > exactly, we say 'issue a book'
>> Yes - the word you are looking for is
"Circulations" and is where youboth> issue and return books.
>> > 2. Is it mandatory to use 'barcode system' to
issue books?.  If> yes, could you
> > please provide any links/resources from which we
can have technical
> > specifications of the barcode to be acquired for
the s/w setup.
>> You must have some way to identify each individual
book if you want toissue> them - it does not need to be a printed barcode, you can just put inyourown> numbers as long as each one is unique. If you have many books thatyou're> needing to issue (like a public library), then printed barcodes are good > because you can get barcode readers which is a lot
quicker than typingin the> numbers.
>> Hope it helps
>> Cheers
> Rachel
>> Rachel Hamilton-Williams             Katipo
Communications> WEBMISTRESS                          ph  021 389
128 or +64 04 934 1285> mailto:address@hidden PO Box 12487,
> http://www.katipo.co.nz              New Zealand
> Koha Open Source Library System
> http://www.koha.org

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