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Re: [Koha-devel] koha 2.0.1beta2 uploaded

From: Rachel Hamilton-Williams
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] koha 2.0.1beta2 uploaded
Date: Tue Jul 27 03:15:03 2004

Hi Guys

I'm jumping in late here - but what's happening?

> On Sun, Jul 25, 2004 at 09:10:44AM -0400, Stephen Hedges wrote:
> > MJ says he "may" commit releases on CVS.  How would potential users
> > download the latest "bug-free" release?  In other words, will the cleanest
> > rel_2_0 be available through the download link on koha.org, or should I 
> > direct
> > potential new users to some other site?

We usually link to the latest stable release, so if there a new one we should 
update that link.  

> 2.0.x releases will be uploaded to sourceforge. I hope 2.0.1 will
> appear there Wednesday (as I am doing final changes now).

Great stuff 

> beta tarballs can be found from my development site
> http://www.ttllp.co.uk/koha/ but not really for end users

> rel_2_0 is mostly dead for development, so there's no point
> downloading it IMO. I can't prepare a release when anyone can
> mangle the files without warning, and when sourceforge vanishes
> so often.

2.0 is just bug fixing now isn't it?  Or are you getting people tinkering with 

> I don't know what koha.org will do: maybe its webmasters can tell us?

Happy to - do about what? Sorry but I think I've missed something. We usually 
link through to sourceforge for downloads, but if that is being flakey we can 
go back to having copies on the koha site as well, it's just a bit slower I'd 
think for people overseas - but no problem doing that.  We switched to using 
sourceforge because we thought it was better for people, if it's not, then we 
need some other alternatives.

MJR do you have logins for the koha website  to chuck stuff up yourself? If 
not, do you want them?



Rachel Hamilton-Williams             Katipo Communications            
MANAGING DIRECTOR               Ph  021 389 128 or +64 04 934 1285 
mailto:address@hidden           PO Box 12487, Wellington
http://www.katipo.co.nz                 New Zealand
Koha Open Source Library System

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