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Re: [Koha-devel] BUG in search.marc/search.pl

From: Andrés Tarallo
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] BUG in search.marc/search.pl
Date: Fri Dec 17 03:36:03 2004
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I know that is a weird error, because I'm on the intranet and complaints that cant find a template that should be in the opac !!!!.

Attached below I'm including a screen capture from my browser. Maybe this helps, now I'm beeing pushed with the conversion from our excistent database, so I can't afford much time on this, maybe next week.


Paul POULAIN wrote:

Andrés Tarallo a écrit :

I was browsing the logs of my apache server looking for errors in our installation. I've noticed that mod_perl was complaining aboit a missing template on search.pl

I've downloaded the latest version from CVS but the problem is still present. I've looked on the template directory but there's no template with date name (maybe renamed?).

where it says:

= get_template_and_user({template_name => *"search.marc/result.tmpl"*,

*search.marc/result.tmpl *should point to the right template.*

??? I see search.marc/result.tmpl in the template directory.
If the template were missing, Koha would die with a "nice" "internal server error", so your problem needs a little bit more investigation...

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