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[Koha-devel] LibLime Koha Support (Site Launch Announcement)

From: Joshua Ferraro
Subject: [Koha-devel] LibLime Koha Support (Site Launch Announcement)
Date: Wed Apr 13 08:53:30 2005
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

LibLime is pleased to announce the launch of our website and product
demos [ http://liblime.com ].

LibLime provides full vendor services (migration assistance,
staff training, and software maintenance, support and development) to
libraries for open-source software like Koha. Our mission is to make
open-source software more accessible to US libraries.

On our website, you can find information about Koha and our other
products: Mambo Intranet and DiscrimiNet Filter. Our Koha demos
couple version 2.2.2's stable code base with a fresh template
re-design. In addition, we've developed several Koha enhancement
features: Amazon.com content (item cover images, descriptions,
reviews, and ratings), spellchecking on failed search queries, and an
auto-completion "Koha Suggest" for the OPAC keyword search, to
name a few. We'll be committing these features to the HEAD branch of
Koha soon.

We'd love feedback from the Koha community. So feel free to visit
our site, try out the demos, play around, and let us know what you
think. Comments/suggestions/flames are always welcome ;-).


CEO, LIBLIME                migration, training, maintenance, support
address@hidden          Koha ILS, Mambo Intranet, DiscrimiNet Filter
1(740)707-7654               TRY OUR FULL DEMOS AT http://liblime.com

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