While this would represent a lot of work, I'm sure, the solution
would be to have a cataloguing mode that allowed input of data
directly into a MARC record structure. The record structure allows
for single (sub)field size of 9999 characters, which should be more
than enough to meet your needs. Maximum record size is 99999
characters, but that is ample. The average MARC record runs under 3000
characters. Something to think about, surely.
Al Calame
Montreal, Canada
Andrés Tarallo wrote:
We are making some fixes into our production instalation. We noticed
that the input field in cataloging only allows 255 characters and is
an input field. We have currently resume fields that are much larger
than that (about 3000 characters).
We re trying to develop a way to make our templates aware of the fact
that a field is large enough to be better input in a text field
insted of an input field. We want to develop something more generic.
An idea we have: having in the system preferences a list of fields
that may contain large values. When we're about displaying an input
field we should take into account the systems preferences.
We will accept your fedback, we hope we can contribute this back to
the CVS.