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Re: [Koha-devel] mysql version

From: Joshua Ferraro
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] mysql version
Date: Thu May 26 08:17:24 2005
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 05:00:11PM +0200, Paul POULAIN wrote:
> So the question is : do we want to define a minimum for running Koha ?
> (knowing that, for example, mandriva default mySQL is 4.0 If we use a 
> too recent version of Koha, then it will be harder to install)
I think 4.0 is a minimum for sure. For example, 3.23 doesn't include
query_cache so everything runs _very_ slowly. I've not tried out 4.1
but I'm not against it as a minimum. Since MySQL AB releases official
RPMs for all version of MySQL, it's not too hard to install a newer
version on RPM-based systems. Deb based systems have easy access to
version 4.0.18 last time I checked, but no good way to get 4.1 --
but with 'alien' or some other method there might be an easy way
to install 4.1.

My two cents,


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