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[Koha-devel] rel_3_0, zebra 2.0 & updating Koha through ZOOM (or : high

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] rel_3_0, zebra 2.0 & updating Koha through ZOOM (or : high load tests at SAN-OP)
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 18:16:03 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061109)


The SAN-OP did some high load tests this week, with all librarians (around 100 computers) working with rel_3_0...

Just to remember : 300 000 items, 7 branches.

Here are some results :
- with mod_perl activated & innoDB database for mySQL = good response times, some major problems on tuesday, solved on wednesday, everything OK on thursday

- without mod_perl & innoDB database for mySQL = (really) too slow to be usable.

- without mod_perl & myISAM database for mySQL = good response times, but we lack advanced features from innoDB (like foreign keys... + if I don't mind, myISAM is no more the default DB under mySQL 5.0)

- they worked on zebra 2.0, with zebra real-time updates activated (zebraop NOT commented in Biblio.pm). The bad news : they face the same behaviour as joshua with zebra 1 :-((((( So, our friends from Indexdata still can't insure that we can use ZOOM to update biblios...

- as a reminder : the 3.0 french translation is almost done, but pascale Nalon, that works on it has found some inconsistency in OPAC strings (like book bag & basket both used)

The move to production will be on january, 3rd, keep fingers crossed...


Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants
en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie (http://www.koha-fr.org)
Tel : 04 91 31 45 19

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