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[Koha-devel] Database structure, some cleaning

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] Database structure, some cleaning
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2007 15:33:34 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070620)

Hello world,

I have reviewed the DB schema :

***** QUESTIONS ******

accountoffsets :
The accountoffsets table seems to be filled sometimes (C4/Circ.pm, line 1399 for example), but I see only some INSERT.
It is SELECTEd or UPDATEd nowhere in the code
On all my user database, this table is empty.

So : can we remove the accountoffsets table & the code refering to it ???

aqorderdelivery :
the table is never filled by anyone, but used in acquisition_stats.pl under certain circumstances. I think acquisition_stats is buggy here, and we can remove the table

categorytable :
this table is filled by admin/itemtypecategory.pl script, commited by genjimoto on 2005-05-02, but we do nothing with this table.
So I propose we remove the table and the script.

mediatype :
This table is filled by admin/mediatype.pl script, commited by genjimoto on 2005-05-02, but we do nothing with this table.
So I propose we remove the table and the script.

subcategorytable :
this table is filled by admin/itemtypesubcategory.pl script, commited by genjimoto on 2005-05-02, but we do nothing with this table.
So I propose we remove the table and the script.

******* ALREADY DONE ***********
just to let you know, but i'm 99.99% sure of what has to be done, so I did it already.

aqorderbreakdown :
the branchcode, linenumber and allocation rows are never used. I've removed them from default structure.

auth_subfield_table, marc_biblio, marc_blob_subfield, marc_subfield_table, :
useless in koha 3.0, will be important for libraries migrating from 22 to 3.0, but not for a fresh install.
table removed from default structure.

biblioanalysis, uploadedmarc, charges, itemsprice, sessionqueries, users, borexp, borrowers_to_borrowers, catalogueentry, marcrecorddone, websites, z3950queue, z3950results :
Tables not used in 3.0, removed from default structure. It can either be a koha 1.0 table that is useless, sometimes since years, or a test table.

Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie 
Tel : 04 91 31 45 19

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