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Re: [Koha-devel] Version numbering & updating

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Version numbering & updating
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 12:38:19 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070620)

Paul POULAIN a écrit :
MJ Ray a écrit :
Sorry for any confusion: I meant having more than one point, so
N.S.T.V would still allow 4 numbers, but be Perl-style.

Hope that explains,

ah, OK. No problem for me with N.SS.TT.VVV ;-)

OK, it's commited in git. Waiting for libLime validation.

Here is my commit note, with an *important note added*, go to the end directly if you've already read the commit

The kohaversion is in the code directory (in /kohaversion.pl)
C4::Context now has a new method C4::Context->KOHAVERSION
that returns the koha code version.
The systempreference Version contains the database version.

If the 2 are differents, when the user log in, he is redirected to web installer (new behaviour : before this commit, the check was done on everypage, it's too CPU costly I think)

In the web installer, we check now if we do a new setup or an upgrade and show only the appropriate link.

The updatedatabase contains a lot of new things :
* SetVersion($kohaversion), that set the kohaversion after each update
* TransformToNum($kohaversion) that returns a number (3.0000001 from for example) for a given koha version * DropAllForeignKeys($table) that does what is written : drop all foreign keys. A shame it's not possible directly in mySQL...
* for each database update, just :
add the following lines :
    Describe what it does for other developpers

$DBversion = "your.koha.version.dbnumber";
if (C4::Context->preference("Version") < TransformToNum($DBversion)) {
print "Upgrade to $DBversion done (specify what it does if you want)\n";
        SetVersion ($DBversion);

==== 1 ====
in koha 2.2, a new install was done through installing a 2.2.0 database, then updating it to the installed version. in Koha 3.0, /installer/kohaversion.sql MUST contain an uptodate version, as the installer set the DB version to kohaversion after uploading kohaversion.sql. It does NOT run updatedatabase.

==== 2 ====
The update from Koha 2.2 to Koha 3.0 must NOT be done through the webinstaller : updatedatabase is very very long to run and you'll reach Apache timeout for sure. See http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=22_to_30 that contains my notes for upgrading (with some/few UNIMARC specific stuff)

==== 3 ====
(This note was not in my commit)
On a fresh install, you'll get an internal server error if you try to load mainpage. It's due to the fact that the database is empty, and I have moved the webinstaller redirection AFTER the auth process.

Previously : the webinstall needed checking was done on every page served, it's a big CPU consuming

Now : the webinstall needed checking is done only when the user is not authenticated. It's less cpu consuming, but you need to write the installer url specifically for a new install. I don't think it's a real trouble (just say in the release notes / doc : after the tech install, enter "http://your.webserver.com/cgi-bin/koha/installer/install.pl"; to do the database setup), and it's worth the cpu gain.

If you disagree, argue, it need 1mn to rollback (just move the 5 lines checking the webinstall needed up)
Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie (http://www.koha-fr.org)
Tel : 04 91 31 45 19

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