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[Koha-devel] need for non-SQL in updater : got it !!!

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] need for non-SQL in updater : got it !!!
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 18:19:03 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070620)

Kados & slef,

Slef asked me "could you give me an example of something that can't be ruled only by SQL during update".
I answered I had found one, but could not remember it.

I have got it now !

When dealing with something that depends on language and/or MARC flavour.

For example, I want to add a systempref for Reserve behaviour (to fix http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1416)

If langage is french, i'll add something, otherwise i'll add something else.

I add it now, but i'm afraid I won't have time to commit before the end of the day (need to merge to official branch, fix errors and send patch)

Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie (http://www.koha-fr.org)
Tel : 04 91 31 45 19

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