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[Koha-devel] Subscriptions bugs

From: henridamien.laurent
Subject: [Koha-devel] Subscriptions bugs
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 18:29:37 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080305)

I am comitting myself to fix the many bugs that we encounter at the
moment with subscription management :
- duplicating a subscription is not really handy.
- Editing a subscription requires you to reedit irregularities,
otherwise, they are "forgotten" or you cannot even save the subscription.
- itemization creates unrequired items.

And all the bugs that should come along with those.

This requires deep refactoring of the page in order to cope with already
stored value.
It also requires some modifications in the database.
For instance : adding subscription_frequencies and
subscription_numberpatterns tables, so that user can easily add new
number_patterns and frequency.
It will also require to specify what we want the user to be able to add
in terms of number patterns.

My main problem is that I want the numbering pattern to take into
account the frequency entered.
But this can be done with two ways : the numbering pattern could be
restricted to a frequency, then all the figures would be related to that
peculiar frequency (So we should have an authoritative frequency table).
Or we can tell that for instance everyX, or whenmorethanX or even
lasvalueX is/are related to frequency and the relation between the
frequency and the figure.

More easily, adding alternative numeration (Roman, season, monthname and
dayname) can be done quite easily using Locale and Roman Perl Module.
(Could be integrated into 3.2 Version)

I am hoping to get something that I can send for testing and for
comments by next Tuesday.

Henri-Damien LAURENT
BibLibre SARL
Expert en Logiciels Libres pour l'info-doc
tel : +33 4 67 65 75 50

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