So although I haven't personally used it, Koha does support auto-updating
records on-the-fly when an authority record changes. So we'll need an
approach to supporting this behavior using Zebra as Paul outlines here:
>----- Forwarded message from Paul POULAIN <address@hidden> -----
>The authority problem
>Authorities have to be linked to the biblio that uses them. Thus, when
>an authority is modified, all biblios using them are automatically
>modified (script in misc/ in Koha cvs & 2.2.x)
>To keep trace of the link, Koha uses a $9 local subfield. In UNIMARC,
>the $3 can also be used for this. I don't know if something equivalent
>to $3 exists in MARC21 (could not find information on
>Many scripts make a heavy use of marc_subfield_table $9 data. For
>example, when you find an authority in authority module, you get the
>number of biblios using this authority. This number is calculated with a
>SQL request on $9 subfield.
>To handle this with zebra, we have 2 solutions :
>- create a table just with the link (biblionumber / authority number)
>that we could query
>- query zebra with exact $9 subfield value
>I don't know zebra enough to be sure of the best way to do it. Any
>suggestion/experience welcomed.
>The authority problem (another one...)
>Authorities are MARC::Records too... (without items)
>So they also have auth_structure & auth_word & all the infos that are in
>biblios (except items level, as there is no "authority" items).
>so we could imagine to have 2 zebra databases : one for biblios and one
>for authorities.
>Everything previously in this mail can be copied here. That's something
>we could investigate after moving MARC biblios to zebra, as we would
>have more experience on this tool.
So what's the best way to proceed with authority support?
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