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Re: [Liberty-eiffel] generating the documentation

From: Cyril ADRIAN
Subject: Re: [Liberty-eiffel] generating the documentation
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 08:46:45 +0200

Hi Raphael, John,

2014-04-03 21:03 GMT+02:00 Raphael Mack <address@hidden>:
sorry for the late answer. Life and work just generated too much cpu
load ;-)

Same here :-)

Am Sonntag, den 30.03.2014, 14:48 +0000 schrieb John Perry:
> > When you want to use the "-prune" option
> Does this create the documentation first (at least internally)

It sounds a bit like that, right? But no, it prunes on the internal
representation before/while generating HTML. (Cyril, correct me if I'm
wrong!) But documenting a small project should be quite fast and not
extremely resource hungry.

You are right. The tree is pruned before even attempting to load the classes (although some may still be loaded to satisfy the parser, but it never goes beyond the parsing stage).

There are also options to link docs one to another. It is useful to generate separate doc packages which may have dependencies (such as, core SmartEiffel tools -> standard library).

> I'll try, as things go, but first I think I'd like simply to turn this into an rpm, perhaps for inclusion w/Fedora.

This would be great!

I agree :-) I build the Debian packages, I'd be happy to exchange ideas.

> Otherwise, I might find some way to be useful, if as I say I can but find the time.

Nearly everything is useful! Be sure to be welcome here!

Yes, indeed welcome!



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