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Re: [Liberty-eiffel] Build errors on Linux

From: Mehul Sanghvi
Subject: Re: [Liberty-eiffel] Build errors on Linux
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 18:52:01 -0400

Thanks for the welcome Cyril.

I have commented out relevant part in the Makefile.
Also I commented out all the "chown root:root"  commands in the

Rather then hard coding that for root, might be a good idea to chown
to the user running the script, unless a username and groupname are provided
as options to the script.

Just a thought.



On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 4:15 AM, Cyril ADRIAN <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Mehul,

Welcome to Liberty Eiffel :-)

There have been evolutions in the core compiler and language, but eiffeldoc has not yet been upgraded. I am surprised it even compiled.

I guess the best solution, for now, is to patch the script to skip the doc generation.



2014-05-29 6:12 GMT+02:00 Mehul Sanghvi <address@hidden>:

OS:  Debian/testing
Arch:  PowerPC

I cloned from the git master repo at git://
and followed the instructions on building from source.

I got the following:

% make
bash -bootstrap -plain
Checking BDW GC
Version 07.02
Checking required programs.
 100.0%                                All programs present, proceeding.                                                                                                                           
Preparing /media/disk-1/local/src/liberty-eiffel/target
Preparing Liberty environment
Bootstrapping SmartEiffel tools
 100.0%                                done.                                                                                                                                                       
touch .flag-bootstrap
bash -doc -plain
Checking BDW GC
Version 07.02
Log is /media/disk-1/local/src/liberty-eiffel/target/log/build_doc-20140522-002915.log
se failed with status 1
Please look at /media/disk-1/local/src/liberty-eiffel/target/log/build_doc-20140522-002915.log
se failed with status 1
Please look at /media/disk-1/local/src/liberty-eiffel/target/log/build_doc-20140522-002915.log
se failed with status 1
Please look at /media/disk-1/local/src/liberty-eiffel/target/log/build_doc-20140522-002915.log
se failed with status 1
Please look at /media/disk-1/local/src/liberty-eiffel/target/log/build_doc-20140522-002915.log
se failed with status 1
Please look at /media/disk-1/local/src/liberty-eiffel/target/log/build_doc-20140522-002915.log
 100.0%                                Finished with status 5.                                                                                                                                     

I have attached the build_doc-20140522-002915.log and have looked at it myself and what I see
is the following:

*** Looking for REAL_32 without point of view!
*** Looking for REAL_32 without point of view!
  121   /media/disk-1/local/src/liberty-eiffel/src/lib/numeric/real_32.e
  122   /media/disk-1/local/src/liberty-eiffel/src/lib/numeric/internal/integer_range_iterator.e
Eiffel program crash at run time.
No trace when using option "-boost"
Received signal 11.
se failed with status 1
Please look at /media/disk-1/local/src/liberty-eiffel/target/log/build_doc-20140522-002915.log
~~~~ Finished with status 5. ~~~~

I am not sure what it is talking about in the logs, since I do not know anything about Eiffel yet.

Any thoughts or suggestions ? 



Mehul N. Sanghvi
email: address@hidden

Mehul N. Sanghvi
email: address@hidden

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