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Re: [Liberty-eiffel] Bug #44601

From: Paolo Redaelli
Subject: Re: [Liberty-eiffel] Bug #44601
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 16:21:46 +0100

I don't own Apple hardware to test.

Yet I know that Mac OS X is quite similar to a BSD system under the hood, so I guess that if
we compile Liberty for some BSD it could also compile on MacOsX

According to and it seems that FreeBSD is the BSD variant most similar to MacOSX

Does anyone have any clue about it?

In that case we could target  FreeBSD .

2016-02-18 15:08 GMT+01:00 <address@hidden>:
I am the one who reported the bug #44601.

I have no objection. It would be wonderful if run on any Unix-like system.


On 平成 28/02/17, at 10:27, Mehul Sanghvi wrote:

I updated 44601.  Although it doesn't directly relate, it is along the same lines, basically there are problems with getting to work on MacOS X because
of assumptions about the script running with a GNU set of tools, rather than a general Unix set of tools.

I see that 44601 hasn't had an update in a while.  Since I'm going to need to get
past this issue, and will have to work on to do so, does anyone have objections to assigning this bug to me ?   Might as well put my release/build
engineering acumen to good use :)



Mehul N. Sanghvi
email: address@hidden

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