Hello *;
the 25th of May has passed, but http://www.liberty-eiffel.org still
doesn't have a GDPR compliant privacy policy. It doesn't need much I
guess, as we do not have any contact form or alike, but we might need to
- what we store (only apache server logs come to my mind)
- how long we store it (indefinitely, as we might want to analyze the
accesses in a few years for long term statistics)
- How we relate to this mailing list and "GNU"/ the FSF as hoster of the
mailing list - maybe we should reformulate, that it is not OUR
mailinglist, but a list hosted in the US by the GNU project where there
are some discussions about libertyeiffel
- Whatever else is required to protect us from any trial, or probably
better me, because I am the one mentioned in the (to short/incomplete?)
imprint and the domain owner.
I took care about a few websites and the obligations, but as they are in
German it was relatively easy for me, while I am not too motivated to do
the same in English. Is there any volunteer or an idea what to do?
Best regards,