Indeed, at the time I was working on Windows, more specifically, to test different Windows based compilers. (PellesC, Tiny-C, GCC)
I've never built a Windows installer, but I do remember that I used Tiny-C to create all 64-bit binaries for the compiler and the tools. I have to dig through old external hard disks to try to find these. After I switched pc's, little of those days has survived…
As to my recommendations:
- If the target is to create an IDE sort of thing, short edit-compile-test cycles are more important, and I would use Tiny-C (tcc is really quick…) for that.
- For production compilation, nowadays, I'd try to implement the CLANG compiler; it offers fairly good code verification and excellent optimization.
- If there is an ideological or political reason to stay within the realm of GNU tools, there's GCC as well…
Note that I did some work on a definition file to offer Eiffel code formatting for Notepad++. It is somewhere in the distribution. The plan at the time was to write some macros to be able to invoke the compiler from within Notepad++. This would constitute a simple IDE with some functions for an edit-compile-test cycle (and hence would lower the threshold for new Eiffel programmers).
Raphael Mack <> hat am 12.12.2021 13:35 geschrieben:
Hans was using windows if I am not mistaken - can you recommend something or comment on the proposals?