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Re: Libunicode

From: Eric Bezault
Subject: Re: Libunicode
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2022 13:35:22 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.4.1

On 07/01/2022 11:49, Paolo Redaelli wrote:
Perhaps the time is ripe to provide "modern" base classes: rename old STRING as ASCII_STRING and make STRING deferred, handling handle UNICODE, with UTF-8, 16 and 32 implementations, even if this means to use a C library underneath :)

I think that it is more or less what is done in EiffelBase.
The old STRING is now STRING_8. Your deferred class STRING
is actually named STRING_GENERAL, and unicode strings
are implemented with class STRING_32 (search in O(1)). And
in EiffelBase STRING is an alias (not an actual class) which
can point to legacy STRING_8 or to modern STRING_32 (even
though some exiting libraries will not work in the latter
case). The support for UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 is then
achieved with an helper class UTF_CONVERTER to interface
with external (non Eiffel) interfaces depending on what kind
of unicode encoding they expect. As far as I know there
is no C library underneath, just pure Eiffel code.

About documentation, this is what I found on
Not that much information, but it's better than nothing :-)

Eric Bezault

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