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[libmicrohttpd] Getting "raw URL" directly

Subject: [libmicrohttpd] Getting "raw URL" directly
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2020 10:32:25 +0000



I have a libmicrohttpd based server that processes requests like this one:


GET /v2/entities?type=T


For logging purpose I’d need the “raw URL” (I mean URL path plus query params, e.g “/v2/entities?type=T”). My callback entry point for requests is like this:


static int connectionTreat


   void*            cls,

   MHD_Connection*  connection,

   const char*      url,

   const char*      method,

   const char*      version,

   const char*      upload_data,

   size_t*          upload_data_size,

   void**           con_cls



but that “url” parameter only holds the “/v2/entities” part of the URL, the “?type=T” part is not included.


I know that I can parse the URL query params using MHD_get_connection_values() with MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND and re-generate the query parameters string with that, but I would like to avoid such complexity if there is another simpler way of just getting the “raw” URL string.


Any help or feedback on this is really welcomed! Thanks in advance!


Best regards,




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