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Re: [libredwg] Re: libreDWG decode_3dsolid

From: Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva
Subject: Re: [libredwg] Re: libreDWG decode_3dsolid
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 20:28:49 -0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Felipe Sanches wrote:
Somebody should try to write a libredwg example application that uses
the SAT parser/importer from OpenCASCADE that Rodrigo mentioned to
export DWG to some 3D open CAD format (perhaps COLLADA? or STEP?).
The SAT module is not free. Although, I think they are still supplying demos - assuming that the only legitimate use of proprietary software is to write free software, I think it's ok if someone asks for one =D

BTW, what about that decode function from Александр Ткаченко... sth like

if (c==32)
else { c = 159 - c; }

Maybe that's some kind of obfuscation. We should check if the value of the SAT array is human readable ASCII text. If not, maybe he was actually making a point.

Александр Ткаченко, can you provide further information on this function you suggested?

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