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Re: [libredwg] [bug #28858] Segfaults on DWG file

From: Felipe Sanches
Subject: Re: [libredwg] [bug #28858] Segfaults on DWG file
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 12:58:53 -0300

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Wookey <address@hidden> wrote:
> +++ Felipe Sanches [2010-02-15 15:20 -0200]:
>> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Wookey <address@hidden> wrote:
>>     +++ Felipe Sanches [2010-02-15 14:00 -0200]:
>>     > Can you provide us a screenshot of the correct output when the dwg file
>>     is
>>     > opened in AutoCAD ?
>>     Better than a screenshot:
>>     That was produced by autoCAD (or some converter)
> OK. I now have the DXF file exported from autoCAD of the same drawing.
> That has a load of info about viewports and layers lost in the PDF.
> Not sure if it is still needed, but it's probably helpful. Now
> available at:

I'm not sure yet how to use DXF versions of DWG files in LibreDWG
debugging, but I am sure there might be some interesting techniques
involving the usage of DXF files. I gotta study the subject more
carefully to come up with something.

Right now it is not much useful, but it can be useful someday, so
thank you for sending the file. I'll save it and study carefully.

Your DWG file raised some issues on LibreDWG:

We need to implement handling of HATCH, MTEXT, LINETYPE on testSVG
these are the first things that I've noticed that are missing. Perhaps
there is more still needed to be implemented before we can properly
convert your document.

> I've not managed to reproduce Felipe's work here because I got into a
> mess with git. I applied his original patch sent over email directly
> and now I can't pull because a couple of files are changed and I don't
> have the git-foo for 'ignore local changes, just go get upstream
> again' (short of deleting it and cloning again - which may be the
> right answer?)

Try to do what Rodrigo suggested.
If that does not work, don't hesitate: clone again!

Happy Hacking,
Felipe Sanches

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