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[libreplanet-discuss] new regional group

From: wayne, steve
Subject: [libreplanet-discuss] new regional group
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 12:59:00 -0600

hello all,

i am interested in getting a free software advocacy group going in southern illinois. our focus would be twofold: first, we would provide teach-ins about various free software issues (SOPA, secure/restricted boot, how to install free operating systems and use a package manager) at our local independent media center which is currently hosting and managed primarily by folks involved with our local Occupy movement (known as Occupy Carbondale); second, we would provide a point-of-interaction between students at our local univeristy (southern illinois university carbondale) and software hobbyists/professionals in the community by offering code-in events and promoting involvement with larger groups like

i am contacting this list to seek information and guidance in developing this group from folks with experience. specifically, does the above description sound like it would be a good candidate for a LibrePlanet team? if not, is anyone aware of an existing organizational model that i might use or are there any helpful words of advice?

thanks for your time,


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