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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] review respect of code of conduct on Mancheste

From: Thomas Harding
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] review respect of code of conduct on Manchester FAQ
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2012 22:18:23 +0200
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On 01/08/2012 19:36, Quiliro Ordóñez wrote:
El 01/08/12 11:25, Mark Holmquist escribió:

That is a good idea. The document now gives the impression that using Debian is good for freedom. It is important to make it clear in each section that Debian does not have a clear policy for freedom yet.
I can't bear this flamewar FSF vs Debian : Debian have a really clear 
policy on what software freedom is (DFSG guidelines), and have contrary 
to any other linux distro a "clearly separated on freedom basis" 
distribution model : free, contrib and non-free (non-us has disappeared 
for years but was even more a user freedom against US crypto restrictions).
Debian offers to it's users the choice on what they want/don't want to 
use (or they are in obligation to use, as some non-free kernel blobs), 
and debian-legal is active in case of doubt.
And "main", made exclusively of free software, is the only active by 
I suspect FSF to point-out Debian because FSF itself have a non-free 
licence regarding DFSG.

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