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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] What would be your response to these Free Soft

From: Lori Nagel
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] What would be your response to these Free Software concerns?
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2015 17:56:54 +0000 (UTC)

Well, if I were replying,  I might reply like this.

>>>>>I identify with your concern to make our OS completely free software.
We do make a lot of our software available freely at our GitHub repo ( ), but unfortunately currently not all of
it. The answer for why is complex, it involves a large combination of
business, strategy, community and legal reasons.

Not all of the content we've shipped on the computers is free data, we
sometimes partner with other organizations to get it. We've talked
about shipping the software freely available without the assets, but
it's not really viable from a legal perspective. >>>>>

I'm not exactly sure why the content can't be separated from the software.  Does
it have to do with how the software is already written? 

Also, have you considered
using free content for those things instead?

>>>>Finally, any successful free software project needs a thriving
community: our developers come from that world, and we really don't
want to do over-the-wall code dumps like Android does. When we open up
our software, we want to do it right.

We're currently focused on our target market and users, and that means
we change fast. We'd likely never accept any pull requests or patches
submitted to us. People could inspect and modify and redistribute the
code, indeed, but without the ability to contribute back upstream, it
seems like an empty promise.>>>>

You are never required to accept any patches.  A lot of times it seems like more work to
add new developers and get them up to speed, but ultimately it can pay off.  Another thing a lot
of commercial companies using open source do is make all contributors sign an agreement assigning them the
copyrights to all the contributions, allowing the company to dual license it however they would like, including
adding it to a proprietary project with additional features.

>>>>>>>>>As for business reasons, making more of our code free software can be
a business risk. We're a small startup with limited funding trying to
take on big players. Even big companies sometimes get in trouble with
free software. See the recent news about Cyanogenmod being funded by
Microsoft to take down Google's Android.

We're currently not willing to take on such risks right now. >>>>

It is true that other companies are free to fork it, but this is easier said than done.  You already have a lot of other
assets that would separate you from any forks including the hardware, brand name, marketing, support and distribution channels. 
To really be successful, a company would also have to duplicate all of those other things.  Generally companies large enough
to compete on those points are notably risk averse and will probably not bother to launch a competing product until you
have already well established yourselves.

Finally, you should consider the benefits to making it all free software.  Making it free software increases the size of
your market and allows it to be more useful to a larger number of people. 

I hope you'll understand that our goals might be different from yours,
and we have gave the question a lot of thought. As we grow and become
more successful, we'll be able to make more of our software free
software over time.

Thanks for the excellent question, and I hope I've given you some
perspective on our decision.>>>>>

I understand that you are primarily concerned with making a profit and providing computers to the developing world, however 
I see making it all free software an advantage to your customers as well as yourselves.  In addition, making it free software
now rather than waiting till later ensures that it will be free software, and most likely an easier process. 

On Friday, April 17, 2015 2:04 AM, Advrk Aplmrkt <> wrote:

Dear list,

I have recently learned of a charitable computer project on
Kickstarter called Endless Computers:

It aims to bring a good and education computing experience to a wider
audience in the developing world. I perceive a lot of love and passion
behind this project. However, I was concerned about the software
freedom behind it, so I emailed the developers.

Apparently they have much of their code on GitHub, but is reluctant to
run this product on pure Free Software. I think they have
understandable concerns (listed in their response below), and I wonder
how the folks on this list my reply to those concerns? I don't think
just bashing them for not making the software free is constructive,
especially when they are actually very well-meaning. Are there
tangible examples of how those problems might be alleviated?Thank

Their response was:

I identify with your concern to make our OS completely free software.
We do make a lot of our software available freely at our GitHub repo ( ), but unfortunately currently not all of
it. The answer for why is complex, it involves a large combination of
business, strategy, community and legal reasons.

Not all of the content we've shipped on the computers is free data, we
sometimes partner with other organizations to get it. We've talked
about shipping the software freely available without the assets, but
it's not really viable from a legal perspective.

Finally, any successful free software project needs a thriving
community: our developers come from that world, and we really don't
want to do over-the-wall code dumps like Android does. When we open up
our software, we want to do it right.

We're currently focused on our target market and users, and that means
we change fast. We'd likely never accept any pull requests or patches
submitted to us. People could inspect and modify and redistribute the
code, indeed, but without the ability to contribute back upstream, it
seems like an empty promise.

As for business reasons, making more of our code free software can be
a business risk. We're a small startup with limited funding trying to
take on big players. Even big companies sometimes get in trouble with
free software. See the recent news about Cyanogenmod being funded by
Microsoft to take down Google's Android.

We're currently not willing to take on such risks right now.

I hope you'll understand that our goals might be different from yours,
and we have gave the question a lot of thought. As we grow and become
more successful, we'll be able to make more of our software free
software over time.

Thanks for the excellent question, and I hope I've given you some
perspective on our decision.

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