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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Gratis software being released as proprietary

From: Pen-Yuan Hsing
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Gratis software being released as proprietary
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2015 17:27:26 +0100
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Thank you Jim, for the encouragement!! I do feel that regardless of final outcome (who knows, maybe the developer they hired contractually prevents them from Freeing the software, though I hope not!) you have helped me at least plant a seed in their minds. At least they will be more aware of Free Software going forward.

And thank you again everyone for your replies, I'll try to go through those points, and the importance of software freedom when I meet with them this week.

Somehow we should develop ideas to propose to your colleagues, and then
open a project with them.

I agree. I think I will bring up that I know folks who can help their transition to Freeing their software, and suggest a project hosting site to them. Speaking of which, what would be a good hosting site? I thought of Savannah but it requires software that runs on a Free OS, which Windows isn't. What about Gitlab? At least most of it is Free Software, so it is a little better than GitHub? Or somewhere else?

I suggest those of us from this list who are
interested let you know, and then we can collaborate off-list by e-mail
or other tools. Please include me on the list of people interested.

I will mention in my meeting that I'm in touch with you all, and if they seem amiable I'll put all of us in touch with one another. If I can get them interested in a particular hosting site I'll probably move our discussion there, or if not I'll just keep everyone on a mailing list. Oh, and for those interested, the software I've been talking about is for conservation scientists to (1) manage the huge amount of image data they collect of wild animals with motion detecting cameras, and to (2) analyse the data with GUI operation and customisation of sophisticated R code in the backend. Specifically it can help analyse the occupancy of different wild animals across space (hence the current Google Earth support) and time, and other analyses. I can elaborate more for those interested. So if you are, email me and I'll add you to the list & keep you updated.

Finally, I am thinking about *where* to start developing this Free Software FAQ that I mentioned. Would perhaps a publicly hosted Etherpad instance work? Or do you have other suggestions? Once a collaboration platform is decided on, I will post there the ideas (i.e. FAQs) I have so far.

Thank you everyone!

On 08/08/15 20:12, Jim Garrett wrote:
Pen-Yuan Hsing, you've done a great service, regardless of ultimate
outcome.  Now, by responding to your original post, I feel great that
I've made a difference helping you make a difference.

The Free Software world has its convenience features too.  Also,
overlaying something on a Google map is available to all, both Free and
proprietary.  None of the features you mentioned pose any difficulty to
Free software, I think.  A developer in the Windows world will naturally
turn to Windows tools, and a developer in the Free world will turn to
Free tools.  We just need to get the right people linked in.

As a related anecdote, I remember someone coming across a web site that
creates bibliographies.  She thought this was extremely cool and
innovative.  I almost couldn't bear to say that the *nix and GNU world
has had this in LaTeX and BibTeX for a long time--decades?  In fact,
it's quite likely the web site was a front end to just that.  People
often don't know what's out there.

If you provide a specific description of the application, and the
features that wowed the audience, I'm sure many of us could offer
specific ideas of how Free software could apply.  And there are probably
additional nifty features that could be added easily.  In fact, one
virtue of giving someone freedom is that they can implement something
you never thought of.  We can collaborate off-line, on this list, or on
a project hosting site as others have mentioned, as you wish.

Ultimately a project-hosting site would be the best bet, but maybe your
colleagues should be involved in that, otherwise they might feel like
you're trying to take control of the project or create a competitor.
Somehow we should develop ideas to propose to your colleagues, and thI suggest 
those of us from this list who are
interested let you know, and then we can collaborate off-list by e-mail
or other tools. Please include me on the list of people interested.en
open a project with them.  I suggest those of us from this list who are
interested let you know, and then we can collaborate off-list by e-mail
or other tools.  Please include me on the list of people interested.

By the way, Excel has issues with numeric calculations.  It has for a
long time and it still does.  It's publicly documented; I can dig up
references if you like.  I trust it to store data, and add, subtract,
multiply, and divide, but nothing beyond that.  I have personally been
bitten by Excel's issues. Gnumeric, in contrast, is highly accurate,
largely because Free software implementing accurate calculation
algorithms was available.  It probably doesn't affect your colleagues'
software because Excel is only storing data.  But it's something to be
aware of.

I'm getting this through the Digest, so if newer posts have yet to reach
me, I apologize.

Good luck!

Jim Garrett

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