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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Crowdsourced programming pun

From: David Loyall
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Crowdsourced programming pun
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 15:49:26 -0500

Zak, here's a famous 'fork' joke:

#include <unistd.h>

int main(void)

... Could we pull back the "fork the system" idea and apply the
crowdsource idea to the brainstorming step?

Like many geeks, I tend to wear cool shirts and people tend to ask me
about them.  If the FSF put out a cool shirt, it could introduce
countless opportunities for geeks to speak to people about software

For T-Shirts, 'cool' can mean visually appealing (an image) or
intellectually appealing (funny or mysterious text).  I'd like the
next LP shirt to include the former.

Here are some starting points for finding or creating visually
appealing imagery for a shirt:

Google (or DDG) image search for 'quadtree'
Google (or DDG) image search for 'octree'
Google (or DDG) image search for '(cfdg,"context free design grammar")'
Google (or DDG) image search for '"directed acyclic graph"'
Search YouTube (or Vimeo) for 'gource'
(artist: Adam Ferriss. I don't know how or if he has licensed this, I
just think it looks cool!)
Google (or DDG) image search for 'hashlife'

I hope this helps (or is otherwise enjoyable).


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Zak Rogoff, Free Software Foundation
<> wrote:
> Programming puns, every free software user's favorite thing that never
> gets old, right?
> The FSF is prepping to launch a tshirt design for this year's
> LibrePlanet conference, and it's going to include the slogan "fork the
> system." We want the back of it to have a bunch of lines of code in
> different languages forking an imaginary process called theSystem or
> something like that.
> Unfortunately, I don't have enough programming knowledge to generate a
> lot of these and make sure that the syntax makes sense, so I was hoping
> to crowdsource that process.
> Here are some to start. please let me know if you feel they don't make
> sense or could be improved, or if you've got any others:
> C: newSystem = fork(theSystem);
> Python: newSystem = os.fork(theSystem);
> Haskell: newSystem <- forkProcess (theSysetm); (not at all confident in
> this one)
> Perl: $newSystem = fork(theSystem);
> There's another angle we can take, which would be commands for version
> control systems to fork a repo, i.e.:
> git clone theSystem newSystem
> svn checkout theSystem newSystem
> Ideas of this type are more than welcome as well. We'll use one type or
> both, depending on how many we get.
> Other ways of representing the pun in code would also be great. Thank you!
> --
> Zak Rogoff
> Campaigns Manager
> Free Software Foundation
> GnuPG key fingerprint: 6EB2 B137 347E 6F7C DEDC AFF6 82DE 8D64 B509 0AC8
> --
> Zak Rogoff
> Campaigns Manager
> Free Software Foundation
> GnuPG key fingerprint: 6EB2 B137 347E 6F7C DEDC AFF6 82DE 8D64 B509 0AC8

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