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[libreplanet-discuss] Free software podcasting solutions?

From: Pen-Yuan Hsing
Subject: [libreplanet-discuss] Free software podcasting solutions?
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 13:15:00 +0000
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Someone in my organisation is trying to start a podcast series to promote our people and our work. Unfortunately, the first and only platform they thought of is podcasting through Apple iTunes... :(
At the very very least, I hope to tell them that a freedeom/free culture 
respecting solution is available, and that they should have at least 
both running in parallel. However, I don't know anything about podcasting.
So, how would one podcast with only free software? The people who will 
work on the podcast are *not* technically well-trained, and that's part 
of why they like Apple products' (according to them) ease of use. Self 
hosting the podcasting solution (server and all) will also be difficult 
as there's lots of red tape around that in my organisation. What about 
something like LibreFM where we can submit our recordings to for them to 
be publically available? Is there still any hope? Thanks!

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