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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] OpenAg: Open Agriculture Initiative

From: Daniel Pocock
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] OpenAg: Open Agriculture Initiative
Date: Sat, 13 May 2017 00:19:53 +0200
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On 12/05/17 04:32, Aaron E-J wrote:
> In terms of solving world hunger – this is not a technological problem
> but a socio-political one.  We can produce many times the necessary
> nutrients to sustain life using century's old technology plus crop
> diversification.  Not that innovation in agriculture is a bad thing, but
> let's not lose sight of the fact that the reason millions of people are
> starving is because of politics and lack of educational and financial
> resources.

It has been pointed out elsewhere that if the world was a fair place,
natural food supplies would feed all of humanity.

The fact is, the world is not a fair place right now (as Mr Comey found
out the hard way this week) and so we have to do the best we can.

Caleb Harper's TED talk is titled "This computer will grow your food in
the future" but I think that is also a bit over the top.  In reality,
Australia and California grow far more food than they need for domestic
consumption while countries like Saudi Arabia don't even have enough
water to grow crops, let alone livestock.  Some countries will "need"
this technology more than others.

If there is a silver bullet to solve poverty, injustice and world hunger
it may well be in the form of education.  Educating the poor so they can
make better choices and educating the rich so they don't get suckered by
people like Donald Trump and Nigel Farage.  Devices like the food
computer can educate people and give them a sense of empowerment.  The
entry-level food computer is unlikely to put food on your plate more
than 3-4 times per month, but if it empowers people, it is not losing
sight of the big picture.



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