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[libreplanet-discuss] FSFE-in-2020: Who are we?

From: willi uebelherr
Subject: [libreplanet-discuss] FSFE-in-2020: Who are we?
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2017 21:47:32 -0400
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Liebe freunde,

diese weiterleitung ging auch an FSFla und libreplanet in englisch.

Weil ich diesen text nicht in der FSFde liste fand, will ich ihn auch hier weitergeben. Ich weiss, einige sind auch in der FSFeu-liste eingeschrieben. Viele wahrscheinlich nicht.
mit lieben gruessen, willi
Asuncion, Paraguay

Dear friends,

because i don't find this important discussion in other FSF-linked environments, i distribute it there.
many greetings, willi
Asuncion, Paraguay

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: FSFE-in-2020: Who are we?
Datum: Fri, 11 Aug 2017 12:54:53 +0200
Von: Jonas Oberg <>

Hi everyone,

I wanted to point you to this open internship position at the FSFE:

As you know, when the FSFE was founded, we put together a document
describing our self conception. That was 16 years ago, and while I
believe it to still be relevant, we'll be looking at making a new
committment towards a revised organisational identity later this year.
As a part of this work, we're looking for an intern to support the
process for 3-6 months, working closely with me and others in the
FSFE on analysing how the different groups within and outside of the
FSFE perceive the organisation's identity, which will then work
towards understanding how aligned they are, and supporting a
renewed committment towards a self conception.

We've already started the work, and will be looking for someone who
could jump on board quite soon indeed, so don't wait to send this
to someone you think might be interested! Work description and other
application details on the page above.


Jonas Öberg, Executive Director
Free Software Foundation Europe |
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