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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] 7 Reasons to Avoid Open Source?

From: Andrés Muñiz Piniella
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] 7 Reasons to Avoid Open Source?
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2017 08:05:05 +0000
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

El 3 de diciembre de 2017 04:45:12 GMT+00:00, Mary-Anne Wolf 
>Actually, a first person already has, but maybe more than one person

Actually I would say less is more. The answer is short and to the point, if I 
answer I would probably sound like a troll. Plus, it will give it more web 
traffic than it deserves.  I think. But thank you for sharing!

The absolute best solution would be to write another industry/trade article 
featuring a good quality faif project on the same magazine.  Addressing point 
by point the "issues" mentioned on this article but without mentioning it. The 
magazine does ask for content. 

I normally just read one or two comments anyway, if there is only one as 
reasonable and measured as this one, without a response from the original 
poster that speaks volumes to my ears.

Looking at the about page [1] it seems to me the problem is mainly with random 
scripts found on the internet focused on hobbies (e.g. arduino, python code on 
instructables or make: magazine). Professionals should exercise critical 
thinking when doing a cut and paste. Also, when professionals do use free 
(faif) software (not simply open source) AND free hardware,  the industry, in 
my humble opinion, is be better off. Because best practice could be imitated.

The authour also mentions throughout some good points. The title is 
missleading, I would say using the word 'plague' is a way to bait for a click. 
It certainly worked for me. In the past, faif licences have also been refered 
to viral. 

Thank you for your time!


Richmond Makerlabs
Ham United Group

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