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[libreplanet-discuss] Thank you Crazytoon - you will be missed

From: André Silva
Subject: [libreplanet-discuss] Thank you Crazytoon - you will be missed
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2017 07:34:42 +0000

It is with great sadness to inform that Crazytoon [0], who was one of
the Hyperbola founders, author of GNU and Bola characters, ex-Parabola
artist, and Free Software and Free Culture activist, has passed on
earlier today, December 26th at 4:40 AM UTC, at the age of 60.

On September 30th, he suffered 2 cerebral aneurysms and intracranial
haemorrhages. Surgery was made October 13th and he entered into coma
until November 1st. On November 10th, he suffered 2 cerebral strokes and
lost all possibility of recovering his health. He proceeded to have
catatonic stupor state, hard convulsions, continuous high pressure,
fever and general haemorrhages.

Now he has left us. However, his legacy of life, experience, activism,
artwork, and his funny cartoon characters will continue to live in our
hearts and in our projects. There are works made by him yet to be
released, such as Hyper Bola (a new modification of the Bola character
adapted as the mascot of Hyperbola), GNU character, and more artworks.
We have plans to release these when our artwork service is ready, since
it is still under construction.

We want to thank him, not only for his contributions of artwork to the
community and Hyperbola Project, but also for being a great father who
has always supported his sons (coadde [1] and Emulatorman [2]), and for
being a friend to the community and Free Software movement.

Thank you for everything, Crazytoon. We will miss you!


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