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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] The state of Libre Hardware

From: Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] The state of Libre Hardware
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2018 09:21:04 -0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.3 (gnu/linux)

> The GNU GPL speaks of User Freedom, but this is only for bits.

Indeed I agree, however the articles in (search for "hardware
design") point out that the GPL is *the best* for licensinghardware
designs. The article also points out that there is no "free hardware"
because one can't really exercise the essential freedoms for things
which are already "printed out", one can only do so with the hardware

- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
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- Contato:
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
  Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
  GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
  (apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.

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