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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Videos from LibrePlanet

From: Catonano
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Videos from LibrePlanet
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2018 14:11:01 +0200

2018-01-28 2:00 GMT+01:00 John Sullivan <>:

> We're working on that. In the meantime, some of the talks have slides
> linked from the descriptions. For the ones that don't, consider contacting
> the speaker to ask -- if they want to send us the slides, we can post them.

I just wrote an email to the author of this talk (LibrePlanet 2018)

I found his talk quite compelling and I couldn't attend the LibrePlanet as
I live on the opposite side of the world

I second the arguments that have been made here, though

Having the slides integrated would be better

Thanks !

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