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Re: Remote communication LP wiki page

From: Paul Sutton
Subject: Re: Remote communication LP wiki page
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2020 16:20:34 +0100

Hi Greg / LP Team(s)

This looks great, so thank you to the team(s) behind this.

A few thoughts and comments

With the captcha thing for kiwichat,

Adding a Captcha, as pointed out, adds a non free component to the
widget, however this also causes the captcha to fail to display on
browsers such as Firefox or where whatever is needed isn't setup.  So as
nothing displays, then clicking connect / join just does not do
anything.  Rather irritating but for new users it just gives the whole
package a bad reputation of not working.

So that could be a 2nd reason to disable the captcha.

Is it also worth mentioning tools such as

Jami,  - looks nice,  I need to find other users.

Jitsi - Yes, not very reliable for more than 2 people something went
wrong with a 3 way meet the other day,  granted, I don't have a mic or
headset but that meant I was unable to hear people when the sound failed.

BigBlueButton seems to work nicely and can share pdf presentations which
could be very useful for teaching, I am looking further at this.

Not sure if we can add  markdown editor, integrates with Github, (and I
would guess similar) is under an apache license.  So not sure if it fits
the criteria here.

Cryptpad, combines, Richtext editing, code editing, spreadsheet, kanban,
presentation, whiteboard and a storage area all in one package, works
really nicely.  I am not sure what the license is though.  mentioning
anyway as if it suitable it can be added.

Hope this helps



On 03/04/2020 15:11, Greg Farough wrote:
> Hi, everyone,
> If you follow the LibrePlanet wiki closely, you probably will have
> noticed the FSF tech team hacking away on an article documenting free
> tools that can be used for remote communication -- both their
> advantages and their flaws.
> We plan to draw more attention to this article in the near future, but
> first wanted to reach out to lp-discuss to invite people to
> participate in making it a great resource. Please check it out, test
> the tools we've mentioned, and add more if you know of any.
> Stay safe (and free),
> -g
> <>
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Paul Sutton
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