I have used kdenlive in the past for making dance videos
(shellblade.net/shuffle.html), and it's legit stuff. At some point I
also tried OpenShot, but the performance was rather sluggish at the
time. With kdenlive that wasn't a problem, and there were also no
surprises in the rendered output in terms of the audio/video
synchronisation (which is important for dance videos, as you can imagine.)
"DVDs may seem rather old tech"
You mean they're not pay-per-view streamed pieces of DRM shit? Yeah, old
indeed :)
On December 7, 2020 10:36:30 AM PST, Paul Sutton via libreplanet-discuss
<libreplanet-discuss@libreplanet.org> wrote:
On 06/12/2020 22:59, Marc Sunet wrote:
An old but ongoing battle.
A good reason to pull all our resources together, so we can teach about
creative commons, free software, DRM etc.
To this end, A few years ago I made a dvd with the fsf30, wanna work
together (creative commons) 4 freedoms and what is gnu+linux (latter 2
by Richard Stallman)
I have just updated this to include the DRM video shoetool, rewind and
university of costumed heroes.
It is very basic dvd, made with kdenlive, I need to figure out how to
use the software more, but for my first time ever using it, not bad really.
I have attached a screenshot of the menu screen.
DVDs may seem rather old tech, but the ISO file can be opened in vlc,
and it acts as a dvd, so there is no need to worry if there is no
internet, poor connection, filtering etc, if you want to watch or
present a video it is possible.
I have already put together a LibreOffice impress presentation for
Mastodon, so will look at doing the same for free software, DRM and
other stuff and put this on gitlab, but also save as pdf so it can be
uploaded to big blue button.
We just need people to teach now. If the resources are there, then
that is 1/2 the battle I think.
Paul Sutton (England)
libreplanet-discuss mailing list
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