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Re: FSF not related to hardware

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: FSF not related to hardware
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2022 12:12:51 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.1.5+104 (cd3a5c8) (2022-01-09)

* Jacob Hrbek <> [2022-02-01 11:25]:
> > As I said previously, I will be glad to register FHF or Free Hardware
> Foundation for you, US $600 only, it can be done within 1 day. Then you
> can make decisions in your own foundation. -- Louis
> If that would help i would already did that, but such approach is not
> sustainable many people already tried it see

So? That many people tried opening grocery shops and failed it does
not mean that there are no successful grocery shops.

You have to define yourself, make your plan and stick to it. FSF did
that, it is there in the position today where it was not before 20

Things don't come alone to success. It needs work.

> > You are lobbyist with the conflict of interest. -- Louis
> I am not aware of doing lobbying here, my intention is to make the
> argument that what FSF does is wrong in terms of Hardware freedom
> and have a civilized discussion about it and what can be done to
> improve that.

You are not well defined. It is discussion that goes on, you have not
brought good arguments friend.

Me, I am not from FSF and I see that you don't get what exactly they
are endorsing. So you are arguing about something else what you
misunderstood. And you will claim, no you didn't. You argue not only
about FSF but other companies. It looks like too many issues in one

Define ONE issue, and resolve that one issue.

But so far we cannot agree me and you. I said that FSF endorsed
hardware which may be run by 100% free software, but you claim that
FSF simply endorsed hardware. Those are fundamental differences. On
FSF website it says that what I told you, but you cannot see it.

So if me and you cannot even agree what is being endorsed and this
is probably because of English language or other base knowledge, then
how can you write a coherent letter to FSF so that they understand
your request? People cannot act easily on the type of letters that
cause quarrel. Even if your intentions are good, the quarrel will not
help you get accepted easily.

Another example, you said you have spent money and quarrel how Purism
is making money, in the new email you say you did not spend money. But
I am not to investigate it, I don't mind. I want to understand your
request, but it is changing just like statements your are making. That
is why I said first well define what is the issue, so that people can
get clear understanding what you want.

One issue I can identify is that you are saying "FSF is endorsing
proprietary hardware" -- and I said that is not so, it is endorsing
hardware which can be run by fully free software. It is regardless of
hardware design documentation and regardless if hardware is
proprietary or not. Those are 2 different things.


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