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Re: FSF continuously harms Free Hardware

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: FSF continuously harms Free Hardware
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2022 05:03:36 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.1.5+104 (cd3a5c8) (2022-01-09)

* Thomas Lord <> [2022-02-02 02:34]:
> Jean, I also respectfully disagree with you when you write
> (about the Arturia keyboard):
> >  So it is issue of proprietary software, not hardware.
> No, it is not.   The issue is that the device uses
> an extension to the MIDI communications protocol (known
> as SYSEX for "system exclusive") messages which are
> not documented.  The hardware maker does not need to
> provide any software at all to document the protocols.
> Relying on software from the vendor to "reverse engineer"
> the protocols is inadequate but such software may or
> may not contain all the needed information, and in
> any event can be arbitrarily obfuscated.

I cannot follow, where is the problem? I cannot see any problem that
is analog to free software related freedoms.

That user may miss knowledge about function of hardware is very
common. I don't know how my blender function, and what is all inside,
but I grind coffee and cocoa. None of the free software related
analogous freedoms are brought in question by using blender that
grinds coffee.

Sure, blender is proprietary, but I care less, I purchased it and it
works. It is not analog to proprietary software.

MIDI device does something like taking music from music instrument,
converting some signals. What is important is that there is free
software that can access that device.

That device is proprietary is clear. You cannot force that
manufacturer to give you all the rights to produce that device
yourself, but you are free to ask.

What you can also do is to design such device yourself and publish
with free software.

Those are all options, though I don't see where is the problem. Help
me understand it.


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